This Page explains our payment policies and riding rules.

Horse Board payments must be received by the 1st of every month.
Riding Lessons must be purchased a month at a time, and paid in full at the beginning of every month.
If you miss a lesson, you must call 24 hours in advance in order to receive a make-up lesson.
Proper riding gear must be worn to each lesson or you will not be riding. This includes a certified
riding helmet and boots with at least a 1/2" heel. The riding helmet policy is in effect for students up to the age of 18
but is recommended for students of all ages!
All riding lessons will be taught by a C.E.F. Certified Coach or a coach with equivalent experience.
All part - boarders must have the equivalent to Rider Level 1, in order to do the practice
All riding must be supervised, there will not be any riding if alone in the arena.
If there is any sign of the horses being mistreated in any way, or if you are caught mistreating
the horses, you will not be allowed back on the premises!
We want to make Northern Ridge an enjoyable place to be and with the help of our students and parents
it will be.
Treat each other as you wish to be treated, this includes our horses!